The Center for Creative Leadership had been collaborating with the University of Cincinnati, to hold forums on leadership networks and network leadership. These seem like really neat jams on the power of learning systems.
You can read about some of their findings in their January newsletter, Leading Effectively E-Newsletter. In a short piece on network building: Networks and Leadership: Are you Connected? They invite leaders to develop a "network perspective". This is an invitation I share widely.
In the article, they concisely present leadership as "a shared process the engages and connects" with many benefits. They are presented as the following:
- An increase in the collective capacity for leadership.
- The enabling of others to step up, adjust and make decisions about the future of a project, team, organization or community.
- The transformation of the leadership culture from reliance on command-and-control hierarchies to adaptation within agile, interdependent networks. (CLL E-Newsletter, January 2015 Issue),

Learning to lead with a network perspective, is known in investment and policy circles as social innovation and impact investing. We just call it social permaculture because permaculture is as a whole systems design process, really does precede, and pre-seed, these ideas into learners minds.
We use the following Connectivity and Collaboration model at The Resilience Hub: 1) connection, 2) alignment and then 3) action.
Once you've read it, the article above consider that leaders who make the shift from hero to host, are agents of change in systems they have no direct impact on, rather the collective leadership of engaged and committed people make the impact together on the systems they want to change. The host then need only be a designer of conversations that engage people support collaborations.
We use the following Connectivity and Collaboration model at The Resilience Hub: 1) connection, 2) alignment and then 3) action.
The pattern both repeats serially as gatherings are assembled, and builds overtime as a strategic pathway forward. Hosts make time, hold space, invite. Over time, as the system learns together, trust grows, relationships grow and those interconnections raise the collective capacity to function well, to be co-designers in the of systems that work together.
A network learns and acts. A leader hosts.