In 2006, a vison of a facilitated process came to me. It would bring disparate people together who are only connected by a thread of common experience, need, or interest into a 30 day workshop to develop community, gather and align resources and then offer incubation services. I called it "Mothership". The design was based on rapid cycle change methodology.
In the fall of 2008, when Washington Mutual was falling apart, I was collaborating with Ernie Hughes on a program about Organizations in turbulent times. Transition in Turbulent Times (3T) was built on Open Space principals, a systems view of everyday life/operations and Hurst's work on organizational ecocycle.

In this project, I was especially feed by Owen's idea about organizations consisting of spirit and structure. When spirit is high (entreprenuerial vision, founders essencial mission) structure is low. As structure increases (politics, culture, expertise) the organization spirit deminishes. Hmmm. When our non-sustainable systems break down then what of the spirit?
In December, a series of events, introductions and synchronicity coalesced into a plan of action.
This Saturday on January 10th at 10:30am, a group of talented folks are coming together to join other professionals in collaboration to design a program to facilitate groups of people in career/life transition to do a few things:
- share with others in the grieving process of letting go of the past job and identity
- explore what to do next for money / job
- create action plans for new work activities including starting one's own business.
Several really creative people with amazing hearts have come forward to be involved. Those folks are connected in the rich professional community here in Seattle. The hubs of this community are LIOS, Antiock and OSR Alumni, University of Washington, ASTD and PNODN.
There are many methods we could use in our unfolding work. Here are the ones we have been considering so far.
World Cafe
Conversation Cafe
Public Dialogue
Peer Spirit
Community Weaving
The Work that Reconnects
Four Fold Way
What other methods would you suggest we consider for this project?
Do you have ideas and energy to work on this project? If so, please join us. If not this weekend follow along at our wiki site . You can join at anytime you find the resources.
I am looking forward meeting this group and learning more about what's coming.
In December, a series of events, introductions and synchronicity coalesced into a plan of action.
This Saturday on January 10th at 10:30am, a group of talented folks are coming together to join other professionals in collaboration to design a program to facilitate groups of people in career/life transition to do a few things:
- share with others in the grieving process of letting go of the past job and identity
- explore what to do next for money / job
- create action plans for new work activities including starting one's own business.
Several really creative people with amazing hearts have come forward to be involved. Those folks are connected in the rich professional community here in Seattle. The hubs of this community are LIOS, Antiock and OSR Alumni, University of Washington, ASTD and PNODN.
There are many methods we could use in our unfolding work. Here are the ones we have been considering so far.
World Cafe
Conversation Cafe
Public Dialogue
Peer Spirit
Community Weaving
The Work that Reconnects
Four Fold Way
What other methods would you suggest we consider for this project?
Do you have ideas and energy to work on this project? If so, please join us. If not this weekend follow along at our wiki site . You can join at anytime you find the resources.
I am looking forward meeting this group and learning more about what's coming.